Welcome to Echoes of Progress
Exploring technology, creating apps, and sharing knowledge through YouTube.

About me
Hi, I'm Anton, a passionate developer and content creator. I love exploring new technologies, building innovative apps, and sharing my knowledge with the world through my YouTube channel. Join me on this exciting journey of continuous learning and progress in the tech world!
YouTube Channel
Check out my latest videos on technology, app development, and more.
Coming soon!
Coming soon!
Coming soon!
My Projects
Explore some of the exciting projects I've been working on.
Money Garden
A mobile app, aiming to turn personal finance into a fun and engaging experience. Grow your garden by saving money and investing in your future. My most recent project and is still pending release.
A web app that helps you insert variables into cold and marketing emails via an API. Save time and increase your productivity, while maintaining your own infrastructure.
Book Bunny Designs
An e-commerce website for wooden crochet basket bases. A simple and elegant design to showcase the products. You can still get them now!
Learn From Books
My first website, a simple website to showcase the best non-fiction books to read and learn from in my opinion. A great way to share knowledge and insights with the world.
Get in Touch
Have a question or want to collaborate? Feel free to reach out! at anton@echoesofprogress.net